Apr 28, 2014

Chester County Commissioners Recognize Children’s Dental Health Month

Commissioner Terence Farrell, Tamara Fox, Regina Horton Lewis,
Commissioner Kathi Cozzone and Commissioner Ryan Costello
In February the Chester County Commissioners issued a Proclamation recognizing Children’s Dental Health
Month.  Braving the cold and just ahead of yet one more big snow, the Commissioners issued this Proclamation and honored Community Dental with an award of $25,000 in recognition of our work to eliminate dental disease in children.

The Proclamation began:   “WHEREAS:  Dental disease is a winnable public health battle that directly impacts the economic and overall health of the nation; and WHEREAS: Cavities are the number one chronic childhood disease, even though they are 100% preventable.  Mouth pain and other complications hurt a child’s ability to learn in school, and can create hurdles to finding a job in the future;”

We couldn’t have said it better.  Dental disease in children has become an epidemic.  And it’s so unnecessary.  Regular check-ups, starting at one year of age, combined with good nutritional choices and application of dental sealants, can virtually eliminate cavities in children.  Sealants have been proven to be highly effective at protecting teeth from cavities and Chester County is the only county in Pennsylvania that partners with area organizations to provide free sealants to children from low income families.  Community Dental has worked with the Chester County Health Department and area school districts for five years to provide sealants to children who aren’t able to go to a private dentist.      

Thank you, Commissioners, for you leadership and for helping Community Dental and other organizations improve the health and well-being of  our neighbors who can't afford health care on their own.

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